MiG-21smt Soviet Cold War Jet (weekend edition)
Unassembled plastic model kit
Other products to consider: (21)
Customize your model: (23)
Don't forget building supplies!
Select a thumbnail to see the picture full-size. This model kit requires assembly. Cement, paint and other construction materials not included unless specifically stated in the description.
No photoetch or masks, markings for:
MiG-21MT, v. c. 96.40.15, Dolgoje Ledovo, Russia, early 1980s
MiG-21SMT, v. c. nezname, 515 IAP, Tokol, Madarsko, konec 70. let
MiG-21MT, s.n. 96.40.14, Dolgoje Ledovo, Rusko, polovina 80. let
MiG-21SMT, v. c. nezname, 582. IAP, Chojna, Polsko, konec 70. let