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US Army AH-1G Cobra (Early Production)
Unassembled plastic model kit

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In Stock (Ships in 1-3 business days)List price: $142.99
You pay: $91.75
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Manufacturer: ICM Models
Stock Number: ICM 32060
Scale: 1/32
View all products of type "AH-1 Supercobra"

This model kit requires assembly. Cement, paint and other construction materials not included unless specifically stated in the description.

Includes markings for:
  • AH-1G Cobra (early production), 5728 /47"Blue Max"2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery Regiment (Aerial Rocket Artillery, ARA)
  • AH-1 G Cobra (early production), 66-15252 / 15 presumably Cobra NETT
  • AH-1 G Cobra (early production), 66-15310, B Battery, 2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery Regiment (Aerial Rocket Artillery, ARA), 1 st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Originally assigned to the Cobra New Equipment Training Team (Cobra NETT), 1967
  • AH-1 G Cobra (early production), 67-157621 Executioner, 235th AC, Capt Lou Bouault (aircraft commander), Daub Ting, November 1969

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