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P-51D Aces ofthe Eighth Dual Combo
Unassembled plastic model kit with photo-etch parts.

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Manufacturer: Eduard
Stock Number: EDU 2147
Scale: 1/72
View all products of type "P-51 Mustang"

This model kit requires assembly. Cement, paint and other construction materials not included unless specifically stated in the description.

Limited edition kit of WWII US fighter aircraft P-51D in 1/72 scale. The box contains markings of Mustangs block D-5 with or without the dorsal fin assembly and for later production blocks up to D-25. All markings are of the units of the 8th Air Force. The plastic kit includes parts for two scale models. With this kit you can build one model of P-51 D-5 version and one model of D-10 version or higher.
  • P-51D-5, s/n 44-13321, HO*, "CRIPES A MIGHTY 3rd", Maj. George E. Preddy Jr., 487th FS, 352nd FG, Bodney, Great Britain, July 1944
  • P-51D10, s/n 44-14221, WD*A, "RIDGE RUNNER", Maj. Pierce W. McKennon, 335th FS, 4th FG, Debden, Great Britain, April 1945
  • P-51D-10, 44-14733, CS*L, "Daddy's Girl", Capt. R. S. Wetmore, 370th FS, 359th FG, Great Britain, March 1944
  • P-51D-20, 44-72218, WZ*I, "Big Beautiful Doll", Lt Col. John D. Landers, CO of 78th FG, Duxford, Great Britain, March 1945
  • P-51D-5, 44-13316, G4*C, "Nooky Booky II", Leonard K. Carson, 362nd FS, 357th FG, Leiston, Suffolk, Great Britain, June 1944
  • P-51D-?, 44-15152, QI*T, "Jersey Jerk", Maj. Donald Strait, 361st FS, 365th FG, Great Britain
  • P-51D-10, 44-14223, CL*M, "KATYDID", Lt. Col. Elwyn G. Righetti, CO of 55th FG, Wormingford, Great Britain, December 1944 - March 1945
  • P-51D-10, 44-14164, E2*D, "Detroit Miss", Lt. U. L. Drew, 375th FS, 361st FG, Little Walden, Great Britain, September - October 1944
  • P-51D-5, 44-13761, MC*I, "Happy Jack's Go Buggy", Capt. Jack M. Ilfrey, 79th FS, 20th FG, Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire, Great Britain, autumn 1944
  • P-51D-10, 44-14733, 5Q*E, "Mary Beth", Capt. Kirke B. Everson, 504th FS, 339th FG, Fowlmere, Great Britain, April 1945
  • P-51D-?, 44-13677, OS*X, "Miss Steve", Lt. William G. Cullerton, 357th FS, 355th FG, Steeple Morden, Great Britain, 1944
  • P-51D-25, 44-63684, Col. Glenn E. Duncan, 350th FS, 353rd FG, July 1944

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