2-8th Inf (Mech) M113a1s in Vietnam
Waterslide Decals (includes decals only).

Other products to consider: (12)
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Select a thumbnail to see the picture full-size. A set for the Mechanised Panthers tracks in Vietnam, comes with two sets of battalion emblems (with differences in panther outlines). It is a two around-all markings set for two specific tracks with options to produce "Yellow 11" - cut and paste of bumper codes is required. Registrations and codes down to exact details on each vehicle (as usual - no shortcut substitutions from computer fonts, and proud of that!).
This set also comes with 2 standard versions of "LIFT HERE" stencils, correctly sized from the same references the Mechanised Panthers markings came from. One version have white arrows (used on "12") pointing to the lift brackets, the other without ("83").
Links from one product to another on the Scale Hobbyist site should not be construed as a recommendation or guarantee of compatibility. Scale Hobbyist makes no claim as to and is not responsible for the fitment, suitability or applicability of any specific product in relation to any other. Please carefully research any product you plan to purchase to combine with another kit. Variant parts and decal sets may require some modification to enable them to fit properly with their intended third party kits, and are intended for advanced modelers.